From Diagnosis to Intervention: Comprehensive Neurosurgical Care

When your pet faces a neurological challenge, it's essential to seek expert care. Veterinary Specialty Center of Stillwater (VSCS) proudly steps into this role, bridging the gap for neurosurgical needs in Oklahoma and serving neighboring states.
Why Choose VSCS for Neurosurgery?

The lack of a dedicated veterinary neurologist in Oklahoma has created a void in the area’s veterinary care. Our skilled surgeon, Dr. Danielle Dugat, is here to meet that demand. She is adept at performing intricate neurosurgical procedures and passionate about every case she undertakes.

Our Neurological Expertise
We can evaluate, diagnose, and treat your pet’s neurologic condition, even if that condition cannot be alleviated by surgery.
Comprehensive Evaluation and Diagnosis:
Our team is equipped to assess, diagnose, and treat a range of neurologic conditions. Whether your pet shows signs of back pain, weakness, wobbliness while walking, paralysis, neck pain, or seizures, we're here to help.
Advanced Diagnostic Tools
VSCS believes in precise diagnosis before any intervention. Our in-house CT scanner and proximity to an MRI facility ensure detailed imaging. This aids in understanding the extent of the disease and determining if surgical intervention is beneficial.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis:
Dr. Dugat is skilled in performing cerebrospinal fluid taps, which can be crucial in diagnosing infectious or inflammatory diseases affecting the nervous system.
Leading the Way in PLDA:
Our surgeon’s mentor pioneered Percutaneous Laser Disk Ablation (PLDA) at Oklahoma State University. Having learned from the best, Dr. Dugat has been performing this procedure since 2010. As a result, she attracts patients not only from Oklahoma but from across the U.S. and Canada.
Neurosurgical Procedures at VSCS
Our dedication to excellence extends to a variety of neurosurgical interventions:
- Percutaneous laser disk ablation (PLDA)
- Cervical and thoracolumbar disk herniation decompression (ventral slot, hemilaminectomy)
- Spinal fracture/luxation {spinal stabilization)
- Lumbosacral disease decompression (laminectomy)
- Atlanto-axial subluxation (AA luxation)
- Wobbler’s Disease (cervical spinal malformation)
Pet owners, please call us at (405) 338-7703. Referring veterinarians, please complete our referral form.